Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Print Lined up on stop bar

Last screen printed first.
Second Screen Printed.
First screen printed last. (Part of screen didn't print due to talcum powder blocking the screen.)
Once my screens were lined up on the stop bar i did some paper samples to make sure they were defiantly lined up correctly. It was so much easier then lining them up by eye although it did take a lot more time making sure they were lined up on the stop bar correctly. I also found with having the screens lined up i couldn't print the same screen on many pieces at the same time as i couldn't move the paper as it wouldn't have lined up. When coming to do my fabric samples this may be an issue as it will take a lot longer then expected.

Print Lined eye up by

Print lined up by eye: Grey-BT, Yellow-2G, Green- B, Brown- RRT (Pigment Dyes)
Before i lined all my screens up on the stop bar i did a few samples of my screen lined up by eye. I found it hard when trying to do the screens in order but when i started with my main screen (the full detail screen) it was easy to see where everything needed to be. Using a darker colour first also helped lining my screens by eye as they are easier to see through the screen.

Lining my screen up

T bar and screws.

2 screens lined up.

tightening bolts,

Pushing talcum powder through the screen.
Moving screws up to the stop bar.

All screens Lined up

Pushing Talcum Powder through the screen.

Applying Talcum Powder

Pushing talcum powder through the screen.

Adding T Bar. 
As for this project i have used many screens i have had to make sure they all line up properly. To do this it involves a stop on the printing table. With this i can add a T bar onto my screen which will be pushed up to the stop. I added some large screws with bots the the end of my first screen and these are to measure how far away from the stop bar my screen is. Once both the screws and T bar is added to the screen i used talcum powder to push the  image through the screen onto some back card. this had to be done twice as the image wasn't so clear the first time. Once the first screen has been set up on the stop bar i could then move on to my second screen. I added the screws and bolts to the end and lined the screen up with the image what was on the back paper under the screen. The image was slightly off to begin with so slight taps were needed to move the screen slightly so the image fitted exactly where i wanted it, the screws were then moved so they were pushed up to the stop bar and the bolts were tightened to fix them in place. I could then add the T bar making sure it was pushed up to the stop. I had to be incredibly gentle going this as i didn't want to move the screen. I then pushed talcum powder through the screen so i could then see where the third screen needed to be. I repeated the whole process with the third screen. I was very pleased with doing this as it was the first time i had done it and it didn't go wrong i got everything layering up perfectly. Doing this process is a really great thing when layering screens as you can print any screen in any order and they will line up perfectly every time if all the screws are pushed up to the stop bar and the T bar is pushed against the the stop. You do have to make sure each time they are pushed up properly or the print will be off.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Mackintosh Chair (cut & stick)

This is an example of a Mackintosh chair which i cut out and glued together to make it 3D. I like this as its like having a minature sample of the a piece of Mackintosh furniture and i am able to see just exactly what his furniture is like. 

Sample colours 6 (final Outcome)

This is the final out come of my sixth samples. once they had been dried and pressed. I am really saddened by the lack of change in colour although the slight change in colour of then cotton velvet is really quite nice.

Sample Colours 6

All Materials


Cotton Velvet


Heavy Viscose Satin
These are my sixth and final samples of colours to see which material and colours i'm wanting to use. The dilute mixture of procian dye used for this is 1/2 Cup- Water + 1/8 tsp- Black- K2647. These images are of when the material was first dyed. There is barley any change at all to the materials you can only see a very light change in colour.

Sample Colours 5 (Final Outcome)

These are the final outcome of my fifth samples, once they had been dried and pressed. The cotton is such a subtle colour i really think its a beautiful tone and would work quite well with my print. The calico in this colour is not a nice colour at all, it doesn't work. 

Sample colours 5


Cotton velvet


Heavy Viscose Satin

All Material
These are the fifth sample of the colours and materials i am wanting to use. The dilute mixture for the procian dye is 1/2 Cup- Water + 1/2 Tsp Black- K2647. These images are of when the material was first dyed. They were way darker then what i  first expected and i feel they wouldn't work with my print.

Sample colours 4 (final Outcomes)

These are the final out comes for my forth samples. I really love the cotton its such a beautiful colour and i feel it would work incredibly well with my print where as before the calico still looks dirty and unattractive. 

Sample Colours 4

Heavy Viscose Satin

All Materials


Cotton Velvet

These are my Forth samples of the colours and materials i'm wanting to use. The dilute procian dye mixture used is 1 cup- water +1/2 TBsp- Black- K2647. I really like all of the samples except the calico like i have found with all samples before it just seems to look incredibly dirty.

Sample colours 3 (Final Outcome)

This is the final outcome Of my samples once they had been dried and pressed. I really do like the Heavy Viscose satin and the cotton still but i do feel like they are quite dark and there is a chance they may not work with my print. But i do feel it might work on the cotton.

Sample colours 3

Heavy Viscose Satin


Cotton Velvet


All Materials
This is my third sample of colours. These images are when the material had just been dyed. The dilute Procian dye mixture for these samples is 1 Cup- water + 11/2 Tsp- Black- K2647. i love the heavy viscose satin and the cotton but with the print i have chosen i'm unsure if they will work.

Sample colours 2 (final Outcome)

This is the final outcome after i had Pressed the materials, once they had dried. I really love these samples as the colour is incredibly light. The calico was such a poor outcome i was very disapointed with it. I will deffinatly be taking these into my final samples. 

Sample Colours 2

Heavy Viscose Satin

Cotton Velvet


All Materials

These were the second lot of samples did to see what colour and material i wanted to use. the diluted mixture of procian dye used for these was 1 cup water + 1/2 tsp Black- K2647. These are the images of when they had just been dyed. there wasn't any drastic change in colour but they looked slightly dirty.

Sample colours 1 (final outcome.)

Once the samples had dried and been pressed this was the out come, i still feel they are still incredibly light but i do really like the heavy viscose satin and the cotton but they are too dark for the print. 

Sample colours 1

Cotton Velvet

Heavy Viscose Satin

All Materials


There Are the first samples i did to see what material i wanted to use and what colours i would use. This colour is a dilute mixure of procian dye. 1/8 Cup Black K2647 + 1 Cup Water. These Images are of when it had just been dyed. I found it incredibly dark. too dark for what i was wanting.